
Vengara Grama Panchayat is grama panchayat in Malappuram district, Kerala, India. It is situated in Vengara village in Thiroorangadi taluk.This panchayat was the largest panchayat in Malappuram district and was divided into Vengara and Kannamangalam in 1999-2000 year. The current geographical area of the panchayat is 18.66 km2 . Though 70% of people in the panchyat depends upon agriculture, the income source is overseas jobs.

Vengara is spread on the banks of Kadalundi River, the third-longest river in Malabar after Bharathappuzha and Chaliyar. Oorakam Mala is the highest nearby hill. Vengara is 5 km from Tirurangadi, 6 km from Chemmad a major town in the district and 15 km from Malappuram and Parappanangadi. Kottakkal is 8 km from vengara.Kottakkal is famous for Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala. Other nearby towns are Manjeri(27 km) and Tirur(23 km).

The population is predominantly Muslims followed by Hindus, with few Christians. The major source of income is remittances from family members employed in Gulf countries. Other occupations include retail and agriculture.

Vengara people are all interested in Football. There are a number of football clubs like KASMA CLUB KOORIYAD, Famous arts and sports club ambalamadu,Vattathingal Vengara, Champions Vengara, MASC Parambilpadi, GASC Gandhikkunu, BASC Manatti, Town Team Vengara, Undas Kuttoor Kuzhichena,SHINE STAR PAKKADAPURAYA,AFC AREEKULAM three star arts and sports areekkapalliyali legends sports club areekkapalliyali

Source - Wikipedia [Apr 2021]

Vengara panchayat is situated 16 km away from Malappuram district headquarters. There were separate panchayats existed between 1954–55 in the Valiyora and Kannamangalam portions of the Malabar District Board. There were no elections conducted for president of panchayat during that time. The panchayat president was elected by the voters by raising their hands.

There are several hospitals nestles in Vengara panchayt in both public and private sector

Govt Ayurveda hospital
Community Health Centre
IPP Sub centre Valiyora
IPP Sub centre Pakkadapuraya
Al Salama Hospital
Vengara Nursing home
Noufa Hospital

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