Anicadu is a village around 4 km from Mallapally town. It belongs to the Pathanamthitta District. Mallapally is the nearest town. Nedumkunnam is around 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) from this village. Karukachal is 7 kilometres (4.3 mi), Kottayam 26 kilometres (16 mi) and Thiruvalla 19 kilometres (12 mi) from this village. Nooromave is the capital area and major business hub of this village. The river Manimalayar passes through this village. There is a "kadavu" called Kavanal Kadavu in Pullukuthy. Anicadu receives most of its income from rubber tree plantations and money remitted from Arabian countries by NRI Anicadans.
Source - Wikipedia [May 2021]
Marthoma Church, Arohana
Marthoma Church, Anicadu, Pullukuthy
St. Peter's & St Paul's Orthodox Church, Pathicadu.
Pin - 689589
+91469 2685234
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