
Kuzhimanna Gramapanchayat is a Gramapanchayat located in Areecode Block Panchayat in Kondotty Taluk, The area of Kuzhimanna Gramapanchayat is 20.05 square kilometer. There is 18 wards in this panchayat. This panchayat was formed in 1961. Kizhissery is a town in Malappuram district in the state of Kerala, India. The town of Kizhisseri is located in the middle of the main road from Kondotty to Areacode. Kuzhimanna is the formal name of the village.
Source - Wikipedia [May 2021]

Grama panchayath office
Pin - 673641


Kuzhimanna village connects to other parts of India through Feroke town on the west and Nilambur town on the east. National highway No.66 passes through Pulikkal and the northern stretch connects to Goa and Mumbai. The southern stretch connects to Cochin and Trivandrum. State Highway No.28 starts from Nilambur and connects to Ooty, Mysore and Bangalore through Highways.12,29 and 181. The nearest airport is at Kozhikode. The nearest major railway station is at Feroke.

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